
Underwater Search Newsletter

Tags: newsletter, accessories
An article about JW Fishers on black and white print

JW Fishers has increased the size and scope of its popular newsletter Search Team News. The publication includes numerous articles on underwater search operations performed by government agencies, commercial divers, law enforcement agencies, and military units from around the world. One section of the newsletter titled "Law Enforcement and Dive Rescue News" describes the use of metal detectors, underwater cameras, and side scan sonars by police, fire, and dive rescue units. Another section describes the type of operations performed by universities and government agencies using underwater search equipment. In the "Commercial News" section, the work of commercial diving and marine services companies is detailed. Their projects include tracking underwater pipes and cables, locating lost ship anchors, and inspecting underwater structures like dams and bridge supports.

One of the most widely read parts of the newsletter is "Treasures Recovered". Here are the exciting stories about recovering silver bars from sunken Spanish galleons and finding priceless artifacts in the remains of ancient sailing vessels. The articles range from the projects of professional treasure hunters searching for pirate booty, to the hunts of weekend divers looking for lost rings and coins. Many of these "treasure hunts" take place on beaches and dive sites close to your own hometown, while others are in exotic places half way round the world.

There is also a section titled "International News" that chronicles the underwater work of overseas companies and foreign governments. There are short excerpts describing who is using which type of equipment for what kind of projects, like how a power company in Ireland is using of an underwater camera system or why a government agency in Thailand is using a side scan sonar system.

The back page of the newsletter has all the latest company news from JW Fishers, information on the newest products and technology for underwater search operations, and contact info to submit a story or to get more information on one of the articles. There is also a "Customer Feedback" column where e-mails and letters from customers are printed.

The most recent issue of the newsletter includes articles about; a power company saving millions with the help of an ROV, the discovery of a "virgin" treasure wreck in Canadian waters, and how a mystery involving one of this country's deepest lakes was solved with an underwater camera.

Subscribe today and your team will be kept up to date with news of the latest recoveries and innovative technologies for the underwater world. Search Team News is published by J.W. Fishers, renown for their complete line of high tech, reasonably priced underwater search equipment. For a free copy of Search Team News or a color brochure on all of Fishers quality underwater search products, contact Christopher Combs at J.W. Fishers Mfg Inc., 1953 County St., East Taunton, MA 02718. Phone (800) 822-4744 or (508) 822-7330. Fax is (508) 880-8949. E-mail to info@jwfishers.com.